New York City

X: @KellieAutumnEll



Creditflux/ Debtwire, New York, New York Feb. 2023 – present

Senior Reporter

Covering private credit and non-bank lending, including fundraising efforts, fund structures, regulatory provisions and emerging markets. Prior to that, was on the primary markets’ team at Debtwire, Creditflux’s sister publication. Covered the financials of retail and consumer-facing companies, including restructuring, debt, the bond market, LBOs and more. Have also written for Infralogic, Munis and Dealogic, additional publication housed under the same parent company.

WWD (Women’s Wear Daily), New York, New York               Oct. 2018 – Jan. 2023

Financial, Retail Reporter

Staff reporter, covered financials in the retail industries for public companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, such as American Eagle Outfitters, Victoria's Secret, Lululemon, Farfetch, Target, Walmart, Urban Outfitters and Tapestry, in addition to private companies, including SavageX Fenty, Kim Kardashian’s Skims, La Perla and Cosabella, among others. Regular contributor to WWD's Equal Measure section. Focused on disabilities in the fashion industry and lead coverage of deaf and hard-of-hearing people in fashion.

CNBC, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey                                        Jan. 2018 – Sept. 2018

Reporter, News Writer

Covered all things business for, including retail apparel, motorcycles, cryptocurrencies and the market. Also wrote for CNBC TV in the role of digital producer on the Mad Money with Jim Cramer show.


USA Today Money, New York, New York                             June 2017 – Dec. 2017

Money Reporter, Intern Reporter

Covered consumer trends and personal finance for the money section of USA Today. Also worked with the multimedia visuals team to produce videos, including on-camera reporting and Facebook Live segments.


RealClearLife, New York, New York                                         Jan. 2017 – May 2017

Editorial Intern

Wrote feature stories for the lifestyles and luxury vertical of Included original reporting and writing, as well as curating aggregated content for the website and related social media platforms.


News Link: Lincoln, Neb./ New York City                                  Jan. 2015 – July 2016

Staff Reporter, Photographer & Social Media Content Writer

Covered transportation, business and food, including photo and video components, on location throughout the U.S. for independent news agency. Responsible for original stories, headlines and captions using InDesign. In addition, worked as in-house photographer and social media content writer, responsible for daily tweets.  

Institute for Basic Science (IBS): Daejeon, South Korea    Dec. 2013 – Dec. 2014
English Editor & Science Writer

Wrote and edited science articles for the IBS website, IBS Research magazine and related social media sites. Covered new trends and technology in South Korea’s emerging Techno Science Valley for the nation’s largest basic science research center.

San Francisco Chronicle: San Francisco                               June 2011 – Dec. 2011
Writer, Stringer

Reported and wrote feature stories on both print and digital platforms for the San FranciscoChronicle.

Nob Hill Gazette: San Francisco                                            Nov. 2009 – Nov. 2011
Writer, Contributing Editor

Covered lifestyle, travel, fitness, technology and philanthropy for monthly print and digital magazine. In addition, helped maintain the magazine’s social networking sites and web-only content.

Scripps Howard Wire Service: Washington, D.C.              Sept. 2007 – Dec. 2007
Editorial Intern, Student Reporter

As a student reporter, wrote and photographed breaking news and feature stories for national wire service. Covered White House ceremonies, Congress, Capitol Hill and world events. 



Kellie's work has appeared in Glamour, Yahoo, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Hollywood Reporter, Beauty Inc., City Limits, Oakland Tribune, Amtrak Ink, HGTV magazine, Groove Magazine Korea, Times-Standard, The New Fillmore, Contra Costa Times, Western Edition, [X]press magazine, Mission Local, Flavorpill-SF, Haight-Ashbury Beat newspaper, The Invisible Hand, Castro Courier, the San Francisco Bay Guardian and more.



City University of New York – Graduate School of Journalism

M.A.- Business Journalism / Economics

San Francisco State University

B.A.- Photojournalism, American Sign Language / Deaf studies



LANGUAGES: Spanish, Korean (basic, ability to read, write and understand), American Sign Language.

SOFTWARE: Adobe CS6 InDesign, Photoshop, Bridge, Premiere Pro, Pro Tools

SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook, TikTok, X, Instagram, WordPress, Snap

Nikon D70, Canon Rebel D70 & Strobe

CODING: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery



Asian American Journalists Association

Seoul and New York Chapters

Jan. 2012 – present.

NY Chapter Student Board Member, 2017

Society of Professional Journalists

2007 – present.